When I first got to Minnesota I already has a job lined up. I…

When I first got to Minnesota I already has a job lined up. I planned months prior to graduation and began making regular trips to Minneapolis for interviews and events. I joined a lot of clubs. The networking and educational events gave me an opportunity to network and learn from seasoned professionals. I took networking and job hunting seriously. I posted my little portfolio online, sent out letters, created a portfolio website, sent out custom post cards with my link, and contacted key staff at companies I wanted to work for asking for informational interviews. I also made a point to follow up with contacts from networking events. This helped me gain valuable friendships in a city where I knew almost no one and offered me an opportunity to ask questions about prospective employers. It didn’t take long before I found my first internship and then my first two jobs came from that initial research. #isu #isucareerfair #ISUcareerinIT #career #careerfair #myspace #portfolio #website #mail #gd

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